They told me over the phone they could give me Valium to relax (you have to let them know in advance of the appt). I struggle with anxiety and claustrophobia, and had previously been sent to a closed MRI place where I had a full on panic attack the second I was in the machine. I can't say enough good things about this place. Now I just have to wait a few days for my results. I haven't received a bill yet, so I'm not really sure how much I will have to pay out of pocket, if anything. The only drawback is that your insurance may not cover as much as you'd like. They will give you a mild sedative if you think you need it but I was just fine.Having medical procedures is never any fun but when the anxiety is eased, it's definitely more tolerable. I read on their website that they can accommodate a 450 pound person (550 on another write up) and even though I am no where near that large, it eased my anxiety immensely. I am larger than the average bear and really appreciated Stephanie's kindness and no-judgment manner. I had to take deep breathes and hold it a number of times and the drum-like banging of the machine helped me count how long I was holding my breath. I peeked only once and yes, my face was very close to the ceiling of the machine. Headphones are provided but mine only played white noise and I did hear the loudness of the machine (kinda like a percussion drum section but really loud) and I did keep my eyes tightly shut the whole time. The entire machine was open all around, no claustrophobic feeling at all. It was comfortably padded but I asked for an extra pillow to prop my head up a bit more. I lay on the MRI table and Stephanie got me situated. The technician, Stephanie, was very nice and explained everything as we went along. Ah, these times of COVID-19! Shortly, I was given a locker to stow my purse and coat, then taken into the procedure room. My insurance card and driver's license were wiped down with disinfectant before being returned to me.

My temperature was taken and everyone, including myself, wore masks. Two days before my appt, one of the receptionists called to let me know how to prepare for my MRI: no food four hours before (thank goodness my morning coffee was OK), no metal on my person or clothing, wear loose fitting comfy clothing and try to drink some water about an hour before.I arrived for my appt 20 minutes early and filled out a few forms. My husband had gone there when he had a shoulder replacement so I pretty much knew what to expect. I already knew that one of those closed MRI's wasn't going to work for me, so I asked for a referral to Open Advanced MRI NW. My doctor recently ordered an MRI of my abdomen.