Meaningful Name: Mechikabura's name comes from Cinderella's Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo song, specifically the lyrics: "mechicka boola". God of Evil: Deliberately called this in the final battle with him. Evil Versus Evil: Him against Demigra in the "Dark King Mechikabura" Saga. Evil Old Folks: White hair, wrinkles, over 75 million years old, totally qualifies. This would make Mechikabura the equal and opposite to Shin (or more likely the original Grand Supreme Kai, considering his vast power and status as an Ancient Evil). Evil Counterpart: It's never outright stated, but considering that he wears what appear to be green Potara earrings and, at least in his youth, a red uniform heavily resembling that of a Kaioshin, he may be a fabled Makaioshin - a fallen member of the Shin-jin race who was instead appointed to become Lord of the Demon Realm due to his corrupted heart note They are an official part of the lore but have never physically appeared in any "canonical" Dragon Ball media. Expy: He is the second Demon King Piccolo clone after Lord Slug, but he is more subtle about it.
Demon Lords and Archdevils: The strongest of all demonkind, essentially making him a demon lord.He has to be sealed away to be dealt with. Complete Immortality: In the manga, Mechikabura gains this after wishing for eternal youth and absorbing space-time, the latter granting him infinite regeneration.Black Eyes of Evil: Black eyes with red irises.
Big Bad: Of the "Dark Empire" and "Dark King Mechikabura" Sagas. Ancient Evil: He is considered to be the strongest evil in his prime and has existed for millions of years. Possessing great power to bestow to others but unable to transform his own aged and lethargic frame, he seeks out the Dark Dragon Balls to exact his revenge on Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time. Click here to see him as the Dark King The true leader of the Dark Demon Realm brought back to life by Towa.